
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Image Improvement #1: Basic Tips to Healthy Weight Loss

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a dietitian or a nutritionist these are just tips that have worked for me in the past and tips that I have researched.

What's up guys! I'm back with a topic that I am currently battling right now...and by the title of this post you already know that it is something that EVERYBODY seems to struggle with or it has been a topic discussed here and there and that topic is....WEIGHT!

YES!!! I said it! WEIGHT!!!

How much you weigh seems to have a HUGE impact on...

  1. How the world views you 
  2. How you view yourself
  3. Health, etc...

and,,,Even though people shouldn't; they DO judge a book it's cover. Let's face it image is important! If you want to become a trainee in a company and hopefully become a idol you must give the judges a good impression of your image. Because even if you aren't at the ideal weight they want you to be, if they accept you, they will put you on a diet to lose the extra weight because, if you do debut as an idol, you will be in the public eye and their is a certain "image" that is expected.

Now this is not a post to teach/ instruct you on how to look like this....




This post is to help you achieve a healthier image that is right for YOU! and your body type. I want you to lose weight the healthy way! We shouldn't punish our bodies we should take better care of it because its the only one we have, right?! RIGHT!!! ^_^

SOOO.....on that note LET'S GET STARTED!!!

So as you know an idols image is VERYYYYYY important! Their image helps the success of the overall group and the individual idol. Based on an idols image they can go and branch off into other fields such as, acting, advertisement/ endorsement deals, modeling, fashion, variety, MCing/Hosting, writing/producing music, etc... This helps with their career in the long run because they are not going to be idols forever so they need to be able to be more diverse so they can have a longer career span.

Now most of these can be based on the personality of the idol...BUT first impressions are EVERYTHING!!! and before someone can judge based on your character they are going to judge you based on your appearance...and that's why companies not just in Korea but EVERYWHERE focus on image because it is such an important factor. 

There are multiple factors I can include into this but today I am just going to give some basic tips that can start you out on your image journey.....

I LIKE THAT!!!! Let's not call this a weight loss journey because this is MORE than a weight loss journey this is an overall IMAGE IMPROVEMENT JOURNEY!!!

(I think I will start a series of this too...I will come with some tips to help improve your image, your character, in all, in the end I hope these tips help make you a better YOU!)


  • Get enough sleep, which is 7-8 hours, and wake up early to eat so that you kick-start your metabolism.
    • Eating fruit for breakfast is the best way to start your day because fruit contains sugars that help give you an energy boost. BUT, because of the amount of sugar that is naturally in fruit, you should only eat fruit in the morning so that you have time to burn it off throughout your day 
    • Drink plenty of water (8 bottles of water per day) and break your meals into 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day to stay fuller for longer and keep your metabolism burning.
    • I got this tip from the k-drama, "Dream High", "Eat like a King for breakfast, a commoner for lunch and a beggar for dinner". This statement just means that your biggest mean should be in the morning so you have time to burn it off all throughout the day and your smallest meal should be at night because your metabolism slows down in your sleep because your body doesn't need all the energy so it stores it away as fat. That is why a lot of people struggle with weight loss because they do this process backwards and have their biggest meal at night and their smallest meal in the morning. 
  • Do resistance/weight training. It will help build more muscles to burn fat.
  • Eat the right foods! No matter how much you exercise, if you do not eat the right foods, you will not see any results!
    • These food consist of fruits, leafy green vegetables and lean proteins (like fish, chicken, turkey) 
  • Stay motivated. Majority of people who join undertake a workout/eating program, quit at around the fourth week. Ask a friend to exercise with you, studies have shown that people who diet/exercise with a friend lose more weight.

(contents of HelloKpop) 
These are my few tips I have researched for your and from my own experiences with weight loss. I am currently trying to lose weight and I want to start documenting my progress for you guys and myself and I would love it if you all would join me if your want to! ^_^

I am starting not a weight loss journey, but an overall, IMAGE IMPROVEMENT JOURNEY!!! and if you all want to be a better version of yourself (like I do) leave a comment about your progress and struggles...what worked for you, what didn't, where you are at and where you want to be and all of those things ^_^!!!

My starting weight is: 69.2 kg (152 lbs)
Ideal weight: 44 - 47 kg (97 - 104 lbs)


Okie Dokie that's all I got for you today, I'll see you soon SEEYA!!! ^_~


  1. I'm wondering, did you ever reach your goal?? I try really hard to diet and to exercise but I never seem to do well enough to even get close to my ideal weight! It makes me so frustrated~

    1. Ah yessss! I know how you feel I have struggled with my weight and reaching my goal. When I was in high school I was SUPER determined and I would exercise heavily every day and not eat a lot a food and it paid off because I was the closes to my ideal weight and over the pass years for some reason I lose that determination. I don't know what happened but I just became so lazy and began to do A LOT of eating without exercising and slowly the weight packed back on and ever since then I have been struggling with my weight going up and down and the older I get the more my body changes and things that worked when I was a teen don't really work know. BUT I think the REAL reason I haven't reached my goal is because I wasn't committed and I lost sight of my original goal BUT since then I have realized that if I would have stuck with it I would have been at my goal a llloooooonnnngggg time ago. So this year I plan to be more committed and less lazy and so far its working for me in not only my weight but also every other aspect of my life.

      So what you are going through is completely normal. Everyone struggles with their weight because they do the same things I do, we fall off every now and then and that's normal but don't stay off like me get right back on and make a committment with yourself that you are going to try to be more committed this time. I think a really good way to make it easier is to set small goals every week (ex: 1st week lose 2lbs, 2nd week lose 3lbs, etc...) and if you keep at this you will reach your goal a lot closer.

      I really do hope this helped you out. If you want I can try to have a segment on my blog about weight loss and tell about my struggles until I reach my ideal weight. I just might do that ^_~

      GOOD LUCK!!! in all of you endeavors and I hope you are successful in everything you do! FIGHTING!!!!

    2. Thank you so much!!
      I'm trying so hard right now to balance my eating and my exercise, and some days it works out really well and some days it doesn't, but I'm learning that having some bad days is okay, and that I shouldn't beat myself up as hard as I do for it. Thank you so much for all your tips and your help!

      I think that making a segment on your blog would be so good! It would really inspire a lot of people, and it would definitely show them that they are not alone!

      Again, thank you so much, and FIGHTING!!

  2. Hello!!!!!!! (^ _ ^)

    I am going to try your diet too!!!! :3 I'm hoping to lose weight for a boost of self confidence because to be honest I have none. XC I hope your diet is going well!!! Im sure it is <3

    Fighting and Saranghae~~~~~~


  3. Did anyone reach their goal weight?
