
Thursday, October 16, 2014

IMAGE IMPROVEMENT #2 - The Art of Good Hygiene

Hii Guys I'm back! and todayyyy I'm going to get a bit personal......(literally!) with a very important topic that a lot you know about. Today's topic is...Hygiene! YES! It is good to learn how to practice good hyigene because even in regular every day life it's important and when you are in the public eye as an idol it will be stressed even more because you have an image to uphold. Plus, being funky is NOT CUTE!!!  I can't tell you the countless number of people I have come across that just smelled like they had a lot, and I mean, A LOT on their mind...OH MY GOD! Idols are known for their fresh and clean look and  If you are going to be an idol you have to practice good hygiene because you are going to be around many many people (like producers/lyricist/composers, fans, CEOs, other idols, models, scouters, staff workers, etc....) just A LOT of people and you want to offend them; you want to make a good, fresh, long-lasting impression...right?! RIGHT!!!

Kris (now Wu Yi Fan) is well-known for his attractive scent and has received many compliments about it.

                                                                       -It's Just ME

But...before we get into the practice we should learn more about what is overall good hygiene, the effects of improper hygiene and the importance of good personal hygiene.


A: "It is the basic concept of cleaning, grooming and it is the first step to good health. Besides that it is consider as one of the most important parts of our daily lives and at the workplace to help prevent infections and diseases". (BA Rosool Hassan)


A: Practicing good hygiene improves your appearances, prevents infections and diseases. It also prevents body odor. "Good personal hygiene not only enhances our appearance, its importance is directly related to preventing infections, diseases, and keeps us free from unpleasant odors.
Practicing proper hygiene is important to your mental health and helps you feel better about yourself. Most people don’t think twice about bathing, visiting their doctor or dentist for routine checkups, handling unsanitary items, brushing their teeth, or washing their hands.
They not only do these healthy habits for themselves, they do them to help keep those they care about healthy and safe". (Zapo) 


A: Poor hygiene can cause unpleasant body odor, infections & diseases, poor dental health can cause captivities, gum disease, build up and plaque and bacteria, bad breathe, etc... Men and women have different hygienic needs but poor practices can have terrible results. Bad hygiene can also effect your self-esteem, how you view yourself and how others view you.

WOW! it's amazing how hygiene can effect all these things right?! Today I'm going to discuss the steps that anyone can do to practice good hygiene.


  1. Bathe at least 2 times per day regularly.  Washing with soap/shower gel will prevent bacteria build-up that you get throughout the day, which will prevent body odor. ALSO...make sure to scrub your body with a wash clothe or a body scrubber. Doing this helps take off the dirt and dead skin cells; build-up of these things can cause body odor.
  2. Removing body hair. (This includes men and women) Whether people know it or not your body hair can body odor as well. Reasons why are because "sweat can, and does, collect in the hair on your body and make you feel yucky faster. You will also smell more if you have body hair. So shave, wax, use a depilatory or invest in laser hair removal – it will all help you to stay fresh..." (Benaifer) 
  3. Wear 24 hour protection deodorant.  I can't tell you the number of people I have come across that have horrific body odor simply because they do not wear deodorant. Deodorants are used for antiperspirants, fighting body odor, prevents sweat, etc...Deodorants are very important. 
  4. Using body powder (optional) . This is an old trick that was used for years and the method is still used today. Body and dusting powders are made up of starches, flour or clay; they help stop sweat by keeping your body dry. They also can be used for retaining moisture after a shower and promote smooth skin.  Wearing powders can give a clean fresh feeling and make you feel a little bit better. ^_^
  5.  Spritz your favorite cologne/perfume or body spray. 
  6. Always wear clean cloths. I can't stress enough how important it is to wear clean cloths every day. Always make sure to was your clothes regularly (optional: you can wash them with fabric softer). The dirt, germs, bacteria, sweat get on your cloths as the day goes by so if you wash and put on the same cloths you had on the day before you are just putting all the dirt, germs, sweat and bacteria back on you. 
  7. See a doctor annually (or a often as you can). It good to go get check-ups because if you do all of these things but yet you still have body odor your can always go to the doctor and see what's wrong and he/she can help you. ALSO it is good to go to the doctor anyway so you can make sure that you are physically healthy and your health IS important! 


  1. Always wash your hair at least once a week. Sweat, dirt and oil collect in hair overtime. They cause build-up on your scalp which causes the hair to smell and look really oil and dirty. It can even cause damage to the hair. 
  2. Brush or comb your hair to the style of your choice. Brushing/combing your hair is important. It helps the natural oils in your hair to spread even from your scalp to your ends. It also makes your look groomed and well-kept. 
  3. You can put perfume in your hair too. (optional) Just to give a little extra "something" you can lightly spray your hair with perfume/body spray.
  4.  See a beautician/ cosmetologist/ barber as often as you can. You can always do things on your own but it never hurts to get profession help/advice. They can tell/show you what style looks/works best on/for you. 


  1. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice per day (usually in the morning when you wake up and night before you go to bed).  Not brushing your teeth will  cause bacteria, plaque, tar, etc... build-up on your teeth and that could lead to gum diease, captivities, etc... ALSO you should make sure to not just brush your teeth but your tongue, gums, roof  and sides of your mouth and underneath the basically your WHOLE MOUTH! Because the plaque and tar build-up on your can cause bad breath as well.
  2. Floss before your brush your teeth.  You always floss your teeth right before brushing them because even though you may brush your teeth its hard to reach and get in-between the teeth. 
  3. After brushing, rinse your mouth out with mouthwash (optional). This step is not necessary, but it really helps with bad breath and overall dental hygiene. A basic mouthwash is suppose to kill the germs and bacteria, get rid of plaque and give you sexy minty fresh breath! I use mouthwash ALL THE TIME! and I got reports from the dentist that because I use mouthwash my teeth are in a good yeah!
  4. Drink dihydrogen monoxide (H20)! Yes! WATER! Water can help with bad breath as well and plus its good for you bro! ^_~ You know when you wake up in the morning and your breath smells funny is because it's dry and it's not producing saliva (which washes away bacteria) so you just have dry bacteria collected in your mouth and that's what causes the bad breath. 
  5. Chewing gum!!! Chewing gum can take away your bad breath instantly and help keep it fresh throughout the day. Although, I STRONGLY recommend using sugar-free mint flavored gum only because gums with sugary flavors won't help and can make it worst because there is sugar in the product so instead of taking away the sugar you are just putting it back on. 
  6. See a dentist every 6 months (or as often as you can).  Just like it is important to see a doctor regularly its important to see a dentist regularly. Your teeth are important and your smile says A LOT about you so your should take care of them. 


  1. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS! Every time you use the bathroom, every time before you eat something, every time you touch something that looks most definietly NOT SANITARY...WASH YOUR HANDS! I can tell you the countless times I have come across people who do NOT wash their hands! It is disgusting and very unsanitary; if you knew someone that didn't wash their hands you wouldn't want to even touch them or better yet, let them touch you...WOULD YOU?!?!? NO!!! Other people wouldn't want to touch them either. Washing your hands is a BASIC NO.2 STEP that is on a doctor's list of good hygiene. Not washing your hands can lead to sooooo many diseases that you can catch and give to other people. Here is a link to how to wash hands properly---->  
  2. Always have a portable bottle of your favorite hand sanitizer and a portable pack of wet wipes.  These good essentials to carry around with your when you are out and about. In case you aren't near a bathroom to wipe something off your hands you can use the wets wipes (antibacterial wipes are good but really any kind would you do just to get the stuff off) and use your hand sanitizer for disinfectant. Also these can be used when you use the bathroom and it has no soap BUT THIS METHOD IS A LAST MINUTE RESORT ONLY!!!  ANY OTHER TIME USE SOAP AND WATER!!! 
  3. Always make sure to keep nails looking clean. Dirt can collect under our nails really easily so always make sure to keep then clean. To do this, you can simply take a gentle little nail brush with you in the shower and you can do it then or you can tote a little nail brush with you and use it every time you wash your hands. [FOR MEN] (and for women too) BUT MOSTLY MEN, make sure to keep nails your neat and evenly trim. I have seen many men with long fingernails with dirt under them...that's SOOOO not attractive -.- 
  4. [FOR MEN AND WOMEN] Go to a nail salon/spa (optional) . You don't have to go to a professional to keep your hands looking nice there are literally THOUSANDS among THOUSANDS articles and YouTube videos that teach you how to do ALL that fancy stuff yourself. BUT! it never hurt to see a professional. For all my manly men out there you shouldn't be ashamed or afraid to go get your nails done. You don't have to get them painted you just want them cleaned up. When you become an idol they [company you are under] are going to make you do it anyway! So beat them to the punch ^_~. 


  1. Wash and dry feet daily. I know a lot people usually forget this area but this is an important topic that shouldn't be forgotten and that's why it is on the list. Make sure to was between the toes and get the area under the toenail. 
  2. Wear clean socks every day. 
  3. Like hands, keep toenails trim and cleans. 
  4. Rotate you shoes. You shouldn't wear the same pair of shoes more than two days in a row. Give them time to air out, especially if you are very active throughout the day. 
  5. Keep them dry. Fungus tend to spread moist dark places make sure to put powder in your shoes to keep them dry throughout the day and wear socks made out of a breathable fabric like cotton. 
  6. [FOR MEN AND WOMEN] Get pedicures (optional). We use out feet every day, our feet are more important than we think. We use them to walk and run, to reach high places, to climb to do almost everything. Something this precious to us we should take care of it, right?! ^_^  
  7. Visit the doctor...not just any doctor a Podiatrist.  

Here are all the articles I used for the research for this topic and some other good articles that discuss hygiene and the practice of good hygiene and why it is important.

Okay that wraps up this weeks segment Thanks for reading and tuning in. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot. I also hope it helped some as well. Please stay tuned for more post and I'll see you next BYEZ! ^_~

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